New Baby and Me

(for babies between 6-12 weeks)

Yoga and massage in the early months after birth can be at the heart of your postnatal recovery and your baby’s delight and comfort. This course is supportive and nurturing, and will set you up with skills you’ll find useful now and for months or years into the future.

The sessions begin with baby massage and movement for optimal development. You will develop real skills here on how to handle your baby confidently, helping them to relax more fully as well as discovering how to support them developmentally. The massage is followed by tea, were you will have the opportunity to get to know others in the group, and share your experiences, as well as discussing many relevant topics to these early months. This is a wonderful way of learning and increasing your own confidence.

gentle yoga session after the break, with a focus on easing aches and pains and releasing tiredness and tension, is expertly guided so that you can go at a pace that suits you, and work with your baby alongside you. We will focus on and begin to strengthen the ‘core’ muscles of your pelvic floor and abdomen, and show you how best to support and strengthen your joints. With awareness of the breath threaded in, these sessions will nourish you both physically and emotionally.

On this course you will:

  • Increase your understanding of the great transition both you and baby went through after birth
  • Learn about the power of touch with massage & movement for your baby
  • Experience breath and bodywork for you with a ‘less is more’ approach
  • Empower you to make the right decisions for yourself and your baby
  • Come to understand the true benefits of working the core muscles & how best to do it
  • We will also have a space to share our stories and cover subjects like sleep, baby wearing, etc.

Private 1-2-1 at your home
2 sessions of 2 1/2 hours
Fee: £240

Private Small Group (minimum 4 Mums and Babies)
2 sessions of 2 1/2 hours
Fee: £60 each

Email Alexa for More information or to book.