“The placenta, the root of your origin, is a miraculous organ that shares and protects your life. It is the conductor that unites you with your mother and serves as the control panel of the womb-ship that sustains you until you are born. It was conceived at the moment of your genesis…” – Ibu Robin Lim, Midwife and Author of “Placenta, the Forgotten Chakra”
The placenta is the amazing organ that supports your baby for the nine or so months before birth. Many cultures revere and honour the placenta. Some call it the baby’s spirit protector. Some ceremonially bury it so that the child will remain connected to the land and to the community. Others use the placenta to make medicines that will restore the mother’s vitality postpartum or help return the baby to a state of balance during times of transition.
It does such a good job of nourishing the growing child in the womb and yet in modern hospitals it’s regarded as nothing more than medical waste after it’s born. But the placenta has amazing health benefits for the new mother. It’s incredibly rich in iron, amino acids and essential fats which I believe is the perfect replenishment following the physical ordeal of birth. It can help reduce postnatal bleeding more quickly, encourage a healthy milk supply and balance hormones. It’s also been shown to reduce incidents of baby blues and postnatal depression. (Read more about this here.)
The most important nutrients found in rich supply in the placenta include:
- Iron – essential for oxygen absorption in the cells
- Vitamin B6 – aids in the making of antibodies
- Vitamin E – for healing damaged skin cells
- Oxytocin hormone – essential for breastfeeding, the production and flow of milk
- Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) – responsible for reducing stress levels
- Cytokins – Fibroblasts that trigger cell metabolism healing and replacing damaged cells and tissue
Placenta Encapsulation and other products can be made in your own home or at mine. The service involves collecting your placenta from either your home or hospital, making up your remedies, and delivering them back to you one or two days later.
*All processes follow food and manufacturing hygiene guidelines as well as infection control standards for blood borne pathogens.*
Last minute enquiries welcome! If you happen to have your placenta in the bottom of your freezer, you can still have it encapsulated!
Scroll down to explore the various placenta medicines that I offer. If you’d like to order any of these or discuss what you can do with your placenta in more detail, get in touch.
Placenta Encapsulation – £225
Capsules are made from your placenta with no added ingredients. There are two main methods of encapsulation:
Steamed (Traditional Chinese Medicine – TCM)
With TCM, the placenta is steamed with lemon, ginger and green chilli then dehydrated. The TCM capsules are warming and are considered more ‘slow release’ and stabilizing, so great further into the postpartum phase.
Raw (Simple)
This method doesn’t involve steaming. The placenta is dried and ground into powder and put into empty vegetable capsules. It can help increase energy levels and is particularly beneficial for women who are anaemic, had blood loss, caesarean section, or a history of depression.
A placenta will make between 75 and 200 capsules. The steaming of the TCM method shrinks the placenta slightly, so you’ll generally get more capsules with the raw method, which can be consumed over a longer period of time.
You can also order half TCM/half raw dried placenta capsules. This provides the option to take raw capsules in the immediate post-partum period and continue with TCM capsules. The cost for preparing 50/50 capsules is an additional £25.00.
Learn more about the difference between the raw simple and Traditional Chinese Medicine techniques here.
Placenta Tincture– £75
Placenta tincture is a powerful remedy used for emotional, mental and psychological instability. Can be used for treating PMS and menopause.
Preparation: Tincture is prepared by placing a piece of raw placenta into a glass jar with alcohol for 6 weeks. Placenta is then strained off and pure placenta tincture is placed into an amber glass jar to store. Lasts indefinitely when stored properly and can also be used successfully as a homeopathic placenta remedy.
You can also order half TCM/half raw dried placenta capsules. This provides the option to take raw capsules in the immediate post-partum period and continue with TCM capsules. The cost for preparing 50/50 capsules is an additional £25.00.
Learn more about the difference between the raw simple and Traditional Chinese Medicine techniques here.
Placenta Essence– £65
Placenta essence has tremendous power to heal as it stimulates vital force and heals mother and child on an energetic or vibrational level. A few drops when you’re feeling like you need a lift is very powerful, as is a drop for your child when they are fretful or under the weather. It can be used in times of illness, transition, emotional difficulties or hormonal imbalance. Many women with PND swear by it.
Preparation: This essence is prepared in a similar fashion to the tincture. A piece of placenta is tinctured in distilled water then strained off and alcohol is added to create a half/half placenta water.
Placenta Smoothie
*Prepared for my home birth doula clients only.*
Raw placenta smoothie has immediate benefits to the mother. A smoothie can be prepared within 24 hours after birth by blending a small piece of placenta with organic berries, banana, juice and water. To boost your immune system after a long and difficult labour or after caesarean, a handful of goji berries can be added. You will not taste the placenta in the smoothie – promise! Any leftovers of placenta smoothie must be consumed within 24 hours.
Balms for Mum & Baby
Placenta creams have been used by the rich and famous for years to combat signs of ageing. Your placenta powder can be mixed into many different types of creams and emulsions to make an excellent skin healer. They can be used on caesarean scars, as a nappy balm, healing cracked nipples and improving skin tone on the face.
Many report that placenta creams and balms can:
reduce the appearance of c-section scarring
reduce the appearance of stretch marks
heal sore or cracked nipples from breast feeding
reduce skin inflammation from eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis
reduce the appearance of ageing skin eg. lines, veins, sun-spots, wrinkles
reduce inflammation for babies with nappy rash or eczema
The following balms are ideal to mix with extract from your placenta.
Night Queen
Geranium Facial Balm – £45
This is a natural and homemade skin care product to be used as a facial cream and on dry skin conditions such as eczema. Ingredients include a rich base cream infused with rose essential oil. Stored well, this cream will retain its healing properties for up to 12 months.
Ingredients: Shea Butter, Cacao Butter, Jojoba Oil, Apricot Kernel Oil, Coconut Oil, Geranium Flower Essential Oil, Vitamin E. Cream is mixed with an extract from your placenta.
This balm is mixed by you with an extract from your placenta.
Priestess Alchemy
Peppermint & Rosemary Body Balm – £45
This is a natural and homemade skin care product. Ingredients include a rich base cream infused with peppermint and rosemary essential oils.
Ingredients: Shea Butter, Cacao Butter, Jojoba Oil, Calendula Oil, Sunflower Oil, Apricot Kernel Oil, Coconut Oil, Peppermint Essential Oil, Rosemary Essential Oil, Vitamin E. Cream is mixed with an extract from your placenta.
This balm is mixed by you with an extract from your placenta.
Unicorn Sweet Magic
Baby Balm – £45
This is a natural and homemade skin care product. It is the perfect natural remedy for baby nappy rash and other inflammatory skin conditions as well as non-specific itching. It can also be used effectively with new mothers to assist healing of wounds such as C-section scars or perineal tears. You can use the balm on sore or cracked nipples, but should wipe it off before breastfeeding. Stored well, it will retain its healing properties for up to 12 months.
This balm is mixed by you with an extract from your placenta.
Waxing Moon
Massage Balm – £45
This massage oil is made with only the purest, gentlest ingredients to help relax you and your baby and moisturise the skin. The combination of tender massage can help strengthen the bond between you and your baby, while grapeseed oil and beeswax and vitamin E can help nourish and protect the skin.
For a soothing experience for you and your baby, sit in a warm room and heat the solid oil in your hands until liquid, then gently massage into your baby’s skin.
This balm is mixed by you with an extract from your placenta.
Placenta Print and Cord Keepsake
*I offer this service only when you order other products too.*
In addition to the medicinal uses, another way that we can bring back the tradition of honour and gratitude toward birth and the role of the placenta is to make artistically beautiful prints with it. Some families frame them and display their prints as art or others choose to save them as personal keepsakes. The prints are unique imprints that display the size, shape and general appearance of the placenta and also remind us why the placenta is often referred to as “The Tree of Life.”
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