If you’d like to dig a little deeper, here are a selection of my favourite books and resources for Mums-to-be and new Mums.
If you have any specific questions, please do get in touch.

The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby & Child Care by Sally Fallon Morell

The Heart in the Womb by Dr Amali Lokugamage

Ten Moons: The Inner Journey of Pregnancy by Jane Hardwicke
Baby Calm: A Guide for Calmer Babies and Happier Parents by Sarah Ockwell-Smith
Shamanic Wisdom for Pregnancy and Childbirth Anna Cariad-Barrett

Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering Sarah Buckley

Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth by Ina May Gaskin

Ina May’s Guide to Breastfeeding Ina May Gaskin

The New Experience of Childbirth by Sheila Kitzinger

Birth and Breastfeeding Michel Odent
AIMS | The Association for Improvements in Maternity Services providing independent support and information about maternity choices for prospective and new parents. |
VBAC | Support and information for mothers wanting to plan a vaginal birth after previous caesarean section. |
Home Birth | Information on homebirth in the UK. |
The Breastfeeding Network | An independent source of support and information for breastfeeding women. |
La Leche League | Breastfeeding support from La Leche League. |
TAMBA Network | Twins and multiple births association providing support for families with twins, triplets and more. |
Dr Jack Newman | Fantastic detailed breastfeeding support and help with video clips. |
Contented Calf | Nourishing recipes for breastfeeding mums. |
Baby Loss | Online information and support for women and their partners who have experienced the loss of a baby. |
Birth Choice UK | Loads of useful information about UK maternity choices and statistics – find out what the caesarean rate is at your local unit! |
Birth Rights | Promoting and protecting women’s rights in childbirth. |
Spinning Babies | Easier childbirth with foetal positioning. Breech and back to back babies. |
UK Sling Libraries | A Sling Library aims to make babywearing accessible to local parents and carers, by enabling them to try out and hire slings on a short term basis. |
Fathers To Be | Fathers-To-Be offers men effective preparation for fatherhood through practical education |
Birthing4Blokes | Transforming birth experiences, through teaching men to be truly present |
Baby Milk Action | Non-profit organisation aiming to save lives and to end the avoidable suffering caused by inappropriate infant feeding. Baby Milk Action works within a global network to strengthen effective controls in the marketing of the baby feeding industry. |
Midwifery Matters | Provide information and support for those having difficulty getting sympathetic midwifery care. |
Pelvic Partnership | Advice and support for women with PGP (Pelvic Girdle Pain). |
Awakening Birth | Certified Professional Midwives Deborah Flowers and Ibu Robin Lim share stories and insights, information and guidance, drawing from their decades of experience in childbirth. |
Dr Rachel Reed | Midwife, Academic, Writer, Presenter. Her website Midwife Thinking has a wealth of current, well researched, up-to-date information about the physiology of pregnancy and birth and what we can all do to enhance and support that. |
Dr Sarah Wickham | Midwife, Author, Researcher, Speaker. Sara has good info on the tricky tangle of GBS and much more. Well researched, current and easy to follow. |
Dr Sarah Buckley | Ecstatic Hormones of Birth |
Whapio The Matrona | Holistic Stages of Childbirth |
Maternal Journal | Creative journaling to explore thoughts, feelings and experiences through pregnancy, birth and beyond for positive mental health and wellbeing |
Pregnant Employees' Rights | Main legal rights for pregnant employees (antenatal care includes yoga!) |
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