Private Antenatal Workshop – Birth Preparation
This workshop is a unique and comprehensive approach to childbirth preparation that addresses the medical, emotional and spiritual aspects of giving birth. It supports any birthing option parents may choose and provides a balance of practical information with creative, hands-on exercises that will INFORM and INSPIRE you as you prepare for the birth of your child!
We will explore how to be guided by your inner compass and intuition as well as how to surrender to the powerful journey of labour and birth.
In this 4-hour Intensive Workshop on Childbirth Education and we will focus on:
- The Anatomy & Phases of Labour and Birth
- Movement during Pregnancy and Positions for Birth
- Hormones involved in the birthing process
- Third Stage – Delivery of the Placenta
- Communication with the Unborn Baby
- Role of the Partner / Birth Companion
- Touch and Massage for Labour and Birth
- Pain Relief Options
- Birth Preferences
- Breastfeeding Made Simple
You can participate at any stage of your pregnancy.
Fees: £240
Venue: Within the London Area – at the comfort of your own home