Birth Doula Support

“Birth Matters… It matters because it is the way we all begin our lives… It’s the means from which we enter and feel our first impression of the wider world. Women’s perceptions about their bodies and their babies’ capabilities will be deeply influenced by the care they receive around the time of birth.” – Ina May Gaskin


A doula is, simply, a person who protects the birth environment. I am not a labour coach, birth assistant or a medic. My job is all about you, the baby and your partner – if you have one. It’s about ensuring that your childbirth is as positive an experience as possible.

Birth is unpredictable. But armed with the right information and support, I can help you take control of your choices and make sense of however your unique birth experience unfolds.

My role is to:

  • support and care for you,
  • help build your confidence in yourself,
  • reassure you about your instinctive ability to give birth,
  • help you make fully informed choices,
  • respect your desires.

My support is not medical — only emotional, practical and informative. I give it all with an open mind and an open heart. This is your journey. No matter what decisions you make in your pregnancy, birth and life, I will support you all the way by creating the space for you to have the best birth experience you can, no matter what the circumstances. As long as you have all the information, you should trust your instinct and go with what feels right for you.

I’ll spend time with you antenatally, getting to know you and your family so that when the day comes, you feel comfortable with me when at your most vulnerable. I’ll be your constant contact and companion during pregnancy, labour and birth, giving you that continuity of support that you might not have otherwise.

It’s my job to ‘mother the mother’. But although my focus is on you, I naturally appreciate the importance and significance of husbands/partners and am always happy to help with any concerns and questions they may have. We are a team.

When the time comes, I will do my utmost to keep you calm and reduce any anxiety you may have by ensuring you feel cared for emotionally and physically without feeling observed or judged. I’m also there to help with massaging, breathing, or encouraging different positions to help with an active labour. But I also know when to step back and give you space when that’s what you need. Above all, I’m your advocate. I’ll help reinforce your birth preference and whatever you feel is most important to you during this exciting time.

Women have given birth since the beginning of time – they are strong and their bodies are amazing. So are you.


I trained as a Doula in London at Paranama Doula UK with renowned Dr. Michel Odent and doula Liliana Lammers in February 2013 and Whapio Diane Bartlett with her Matrona Holistic Doula Training (US) in 2020.

I’ve also attended many workshops and courses with inspiring women and birthkeepers around the world, like Jane Hardwick Collings (Australia), The Farm Midwives (US), Debra Pascali-Bonaro (US), Robin Lim (Bali), Angelina Martinez (Mexico), Ruth Ehkhard (South Africa) and Naoli Vinaver (Mexico/Brazil).


I offer either a Basic or Deluxe package. For both packages I will:


  •  Be on call 24 hours a day for your due period from week 38 until the baby is born
  •  Join you during your labour whenever you feel you need me
  •  Accompany you from home to birth centre/hospital or help you bed-down before the midwives arrive if you are planning a home birth
  •  Offer you continuous emotional, physical and informational support from when I join you in active labour, until you and baby are settled

Basic Birth Doula Package – £2,500



Free introductory meeting (45 mins)

3 (three) home visits before the birth of 2 (two) hours – includes a Mother Blessing Ceremony (optional)

We will explore your birth preferences and assist you in writing them to add to your notes, learn how to get the best from your birth team, explore ways in which your partner can support you and I can support him/her to relax, work through any anxieties or issues you may have, birth preparation and exploration of your own believes about birth, communication with the baby, meditation, breathing and visualizations, prepare for the postpartum period, etc. One of my sessions includes a Natural Ultrasound – belly art – and Rebozo Massage if desired.

I will be available for you through your pregnancy from the moment you book me by email, phone and text

Continuous emotional, physical and informational support from when I join you in established labour, until you and baby are settled (usually 2 hours after baby’s birth)

Access to my 90-mins Pregnancy Yoga Video for daily practice

Pregnancy Birth Affirmations Audio

One or two postnatal sessions. This visit is useful to process your birth experience and offer any other practical, information or emotional assistance you may need. This session includes Closing the Bones Postpartum Ceremony and Bengkung Belly Wrap if desired

After birth I will support you by phone, email or text with questions about the postnatal period, baby and breastfeeding, or other areas for 30 days after your baby was born.

Full access to my resources including T.E.N.S. machine and a Welcome Pack & Gift Kit


Get in touch for more information, or to book an introductory chat. I am based in London.

Deluxe Birth Doula Package – £2,800


Includes all the above plus:

Hypnobirthing Birth Preparation Course 1:1 (three sessions of 2.5 hrs)

Pregnancy Massage (included in one of the antenatal sessions (if desired)

Get in touch for more information, or to book an introductory chat.

Shared-Care Birth Doula Package


If you’d like us to work together but I am not fully available for the on-call period of 38 to 42 weeks (and beyond if baby chooses a birthday past this range) I offer a Shared-Care package.

You’ll get all the benefits of whichever package you choose, (Basic or Deluxe) but you’ll have two doulas looking after you. An added bonus is the advantage of calling on the expertise of two doulas from the moment you decide to work with us.

It will be me and another amazing doula. You’ll get to know both of us as we share the three antenatal sessions — one with both of us and one each. We also share the on-call period giving you the peace of mind that one of us will be with you when you call us to your labour.

You will see both of us postnatally too, regardless of who is with you during labour and birth.

Get in touch for more information, or to book an introductory chat.

Backup Doula:

This is very rare… but if circumstances are beyond my control to be physically present, I will send a wonderful, experienced backup doula to be with you in your labour. If I’m able to relieve her at some point I will.

Meet the back up team

The majority of doulas are employed directly by their clients while others may choose to volunteer. The Doula UK Access Fund provides free birth and postnatal doulas to women in need and works with women’s refuges to ensure vulnerable women are supported as they become mothers. There are a small number of NHS-employed doulas and a number of voluntary schemes.


“I am very lucky to have had Alexa supporting me as a doula during my last two pregnancies. No words can describe her tremendous support during my birth journeys. My third child is now almost one year old and this brings back memories of this last experience. Alexa helped me stay calm and positive during my pregnancy I participated in her pregnancy yoga sessions and during our antenatal sessions she listened to my thoughts and doubts and worries every time I needed her. The yoga classes helped lift my mood and create more space in my body for the baby. Dancing at the end of each session was the best part, it made me smile every time. On the day of the birth Alexa arrived at my home after we called her to say labour had started. My husband and I were in the lounge using the birth ball as Alexa showed us during hypnobirthing sessions. I felt a big relief as she came in, I trust her, my body trusts her and I felt safe. Alexa looked at me and helped me to change position, my waters opened straight away. She encouraged me to lean on her and walk to the bathroom. We both knew that birth was imminent and we may not make it to hospital, but I was not scared, she empowered me while staying calm. As I felt the baby coming down, Alexa helped me to get on hands and knees position and the baby’s head came out, then she suggested a runner’s lunge position and my baby Tom was born in the most beautiful birth I could have ever imagined. I am so grateful to had been emotionally and physically supported by Alexa in such an important moment in my life” – Karin

“Alexa has the most nurturing, supportive and maternal vibration to her – I’m so grateful that she was able to be my doula. The generosity with which she tended to mine and my family’s needs was so touching. She helped my 6 year old daughter to feel a part of the process and even gave her a massage on one of her visits to our home. Throughout my pregnancy I felt her presence in exactly the right degree. I attended her antenatal yoga class every Sunday, and she visited me often to check in – there was a lot of emotional support, as well as physically helping to prepare my body for birth, including some baby turning techniques. When it came to birthtime, it was 2.5 days from waters breaking until baby Ayo arrived, and Alexa was with me the whole time. She was incredibly intuitive and respectful to my needs. When I needed support, she was close by. When I needed to be alone, she gave me space. Her attention to detail, communication with the hospital staff and her tireless safeguarding of my experience, allowed me to focus on and enjoy bringing my baby earth side. Thank you sister for being such a crucial part of our story” – Nikita

“Alexa made my pregnancy and birth experience smoother and happier. I enjoyed her yoga sessions a lot. Her advice on pregnancy and labour was really useful, and her support during the birth was amazing: she helped me manage the pain, think positive and laugh plus took some amazing pictures which we are very happy to have. I would recommend having her around to any mum to be!” – Andrea  

“Alexa was an immense help in both planning for, and then going through with, the birth of my daughter. Prior to meeting up with Alexa I was not very informed or prepared at all about the whole process due to having a very busy job and being single, and as such feeling a little uneasy about everything. However Alexa was incredibly calm and understanding and ensured that I really was thoroughly prepared both practically and psychologically. When it came to giving birth Alexa arrived at my house the moment I needed her, got me to hospital (there’s no way I’d have made it there without her), and stayed with me for many many hours to welcome my daughter into the world. In short I would have been totally lost without Alexa, and can’t thank her enough for making it as positive and “normal” a process as possible. Alexa is clearly very passionate about and incredibly knowledgable on the wellbeing and happiness of women and babies, but also of families overall and humans in general. She is a truly wonderful woman.” – Rebecca

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